Remembering Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin: Denver Radio Talk Show Host, Journalist [1955-2008]

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  • Status of This Site

    Commenting has been turned off this site, which is now in passive mode.

    This "Memorial" was orginally set up ONLY to "INFORM" the world of Mike's passing: there was a tremendous mess regarding access to Mike's massive contact list after he suddenly passed away. There were few options to inform listeners, fans, and people who worked with him.

    This intent grew to urgently REQUEST FUNDS for his FUNERAL and BURIAL be donated to an account managed by his family of origin.

    This site was SUPPOSED TO BE SHUT DOWN after his burial.

    People who loaned the family money for Mike's funeral etc. expected to get repaid from the fund. They have not yet been repaid. Furthermore, assets loaned to Mike and only Mike through various "gentlemen's agreements", have been stolen. Information assets entrusted to Mike's Filomax organization and only Mike have also been stolen.

    This site remains up, in static form, since in addition to all that, THERE ARE STILL UNANSWERED QUESTIONS wrt. Mike's passing.
    The exploration of these UNANSWERED QUESTIONS quickly became a controversial part of this site.

    I was not sure I wanted those questions raised AT THIS SITE, but was too busy trying to find out what had transpired before potential "cover stories", if any indeed existed, could gel.

    All that material will be moved elsewhere as new developments are STILL continuing on that front.

    Re-use of materials and articles posted here - at for-profit sites - in a way that violates US copyright laws and WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION IN WRITING is prohibited.

    Indira Singh

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  • Michael Corbin: A Tireless Crusader for Truth

    Posted by rememberingmichael on March 21, 2008

    Corbin at Mic

    Dear Friends,

    The passing of Michael Corbin at the age of 52 from a massive stroke on March 18, 2008 has deeply saddened me. Michael was a dear friend and mentor who always took the time to help others. Michael was always there for me through thick and thin and I will greatly miss his wise counsel, humor and kind attention.

    As a professional Michael was a pioneer in internet news reporting and web broadcasting. Paranormal themes accented his work in the 80s and 90s but the political and economic turmoil of the new millennium caused Michael to turn his many skills on the problem of global elites and their unjust control of the world’s political, economic and religious institutions.

    In this regard Michael was a tireless crusader who left no stone unturned in his relentless pursuit of the truth.

    Few realized that Michael was a devout Roman Catholic who converted to the Faith under the direction of Father Malachi Martin. Michael is in a better place now and this should please us all as much as we need him and will miss him in this world.

    I was a completely unknown writer until I met Michael Corbin in 2003 and my many appearances on A Closer Look catapulted my career into the greatest height of success – I am now known by tens of millions of people on dozens of radio and TV programs as a direct result of being on Michael’s program.

    Michael was like my older brother who supported my work and loved to share in my triumphs as if they were his own. In recent years Michael and I delighted in some of the successes I have enjoyed in the professional realm. I loved sharing with him the amazing spin-offs of being on A Closer Look including having my book covers displayed in a major New York art show and breaking ratings records on several other radio programs.

    I was on A Closer Look on March 11, 2008 – just seven days before Michael’s untimely passing. The complete program can be heard below. If you listen you will hear me say on two occasions that A Closer Look is my favorite radio program.

    Goodbye Michael and thank you for all of your love.

    God Bless You All,

    William H. Kennedy

    Final episode of A Closer Look with Michael Corbin and William H. Kennedy:

    ( More recording of MC and WHK at )

    2 Responses to “Michael Corbin: A Tireless Crusader for Truth”

    1. […] To Read WHK’s tribute to Michael Click Here […]

    2. […] To Read WHK’s tribute to Michael Click Here […]

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